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Sunday, 7 October 2012

A beastly comeback

What ho! Having at last decided to give my self a kick up the backside and get back into the hobby, I knew that only something worthy of an announcement would suffice. What better task to undertake than to put together the Best of Gorgorth which the Frog, Shas'El'Hek'Tryk, gifted me for my birthday ("Because it's my birthday, and I wants it.") some 8 months ago.
We all know the inherent problems of Finecast, so I'll spare you the details. Let's just say that it didn't slot together very well. Happily, a quick answer was at hand. As any good English solution to a problem, it involved tea. It turns out that, when plunged in freshly boiled water, Finecast becomes perfectly malleable, without actually melting away any of the details. After that, all that was needed was a bit of liquid Green Stuff and Milliput to plug the last gaps.

Joe the Barbarian, the hardest part now is to keep on finding the time to do it. But all we have to do is decide what to do with the time that is given.

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