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Sunday 3 July 2011

Shopping for a troll-ey

More news from the front. Having converted and uindercoated a group of orcs, the "Shiny! Shiny! syndrome" (SSS) kicked in again and I found myself buying a Mordor troll... in an actual Games Workshop store... Yup. It's getting serious.

A quick side-note to point out that, while converting said Troll, I got SSS again and bidded for a load of LotR characters on fleaBay. But it was worth it! :wink:

Anyhoo! Back to the troll. I wanted to go for something slightly different, a nice centre-piece (mehopes) for my army. A Mordor troll? Who can forget Aragorn being crushing under foot by a troll in front of the Black Gate? I decided to adapt that to fit in my other LotR force; Rohan. So a poor Rohirrim got knocked off his horse and is struggling to keep the troll's foot from crushing him, while his dead horse lies beside him.

These are very W.i.P. shots, just to show the general idea. The fallen rider is not sculpted yet -cloak, armour, arms, hands and beard need doing- nor is the troll finished. The foot, neck, helmet, and scales are not yet finished, and the loin cloth needs doing. And, of course, all those mould joints need seeing to.

Any thoughts?
Joe the "Rosbif" Barbarian

Saturday 2 July 2011

Empirical truth

A slight aparte from our usual posts; I couldn't resist posting this link to this superb Empire army by GMM Studios.
A beautiful centre-piece, massive units and a strong colour theme; magnificent!

Check out the link; it's well worth it!

Joe the Barbarian