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Sunday, 9 May 2010

Places, people! Places!

PhotobucketTo let you into my plans.

What's my army like? Like so:


- General + sergeant + standard-bearer

- Second-in-command + soldier

- Komissar with soldier

P1, first squad
- 5 stands o 3 men with rifles
- 3 stand of 4 men + HMG + sergeant
- 1 stand of 3 men - HMG + lieutenant

P3 same

P2 same but with SMGs

These 3 squads make up a company led by:

CPT, a capitain + sergeant + standard-bearer

K, a komissar with a soldier

3 SU122 mobile guns

The army will be finished with mortars

- a capitain + sergeant + soldier

- 2 squads of 3 mortars

In good campany

PhotobucketAbout time I gave an update on Flames of War.

I've spent yonks leaning over my desk to paint all the figs I've got for this game.

"Here's one I made earlier!" These 2 I did maybe 6 months ago. A good look for winter but these guys are far too similar! For that reason and also due to the lack of winter figs other than basic soldiers, I decided to MIX IT UP! Explained previously.

Presenting you the first finished items.

Me likey.
With my will power at its highest (like the YEaah.. you would get after a Waterstone's pep talk), I got my head down and got stuck into the 2nd squad.
Good start: I painted almost everything in one afternoon/evening. But then, the days went by without progress. I made myself finish them to show Joe (the barbarian) this weekend when we meet again! snif, ehem.
In the end I finished well within the time last wednesday.
So I set myself the challenge of doing the 3rd squad before the weekend!
Dodgy! But upon receiving this on friday:
A light mortar company, I just had to get it sorted!
With painting till 1 in the morning on friday and a few finishing touches at half 6 on saturday before leaving, job done!
So here's ya lot.
And I'm chuffed! Painted figs is still pretty new for me. So long have I faced unpainted piles.

Pics are a bit bit dark, but it's war for fook's sake!

The men are more or less disciplined. Note the bloke having one for the road. Well, it'll probably be his last...

Brave fellows! They advance knowing not fear!

Oh, I see. This explains that. A komissar and his right hand man.

And here's the HQ one. "The first man to retreat shall be shot by this man, comrades!"

My Cossack HQ.

"Get down, fool!"
It's the hardened veteran blisters that really give my army life and character.
Just the mortars to do. I've put 6 in my 600pts list. Pity, all the figs are the same. I'll try to swap some.